Medico Legal Aspects

If the patient has the right to have a second opinion, then the doctor has the right to be MEDICO-LEGALY SAFE. No patient comes to the doctor for litigation, but still mishaps happen. No doctor would intentionally harm his patient, as its unethical and more over the patient is the bread and butter for the doctor.It is advicable to be prepared for the rainy day. We belive in a few situations where proper documentation is very necesssary.


Doctors need to have all the records documented properly and safely as they deal with a LIFE. A MACHINE BROKEN CAN BE COMPENSATED BUT A LIFE BROKEN CAN NEVER BE COMPENSATED FOR. Doctor patient relation is not bound to just a hospital or a Patient ward it is spread over a vast area. The patient consult the Doctor in a social gathering, on the telephone, and many other places.


A Doctor is a choosen one by the God who has the knowledge and ability to make a person get releif form his sufferings. Every Doctor has some patiens as their complimenatary patients from whom the doctor does not take a fees and does not intentd to earn some money but intents to earn some respect and dignity,but the story changes on the other side of the table.These patients would not follow your advice and would expect to get releif from the pain,sufferings.


Emergency Ward is the most stressfull place in a Hospital,as the patient comes in a serious condition and all the attendants are not in a mind set to understand any thing, their minds may be pre-occupied with the anger due to fight or accident because of which some loved one of theirs is in a critical condition. Here the Doctor/Hospital needs to keep all the records well documented as their would be a high chance of going to the court,and its a good defence to have all the records documented.

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